On Target
Support system wide improvement to data collection measures, collaboration on funding opportunities, and implementation of the County-CoC joint strategic plan
Homeless Plan 2023


With the recent de-merging of the Joint Placer-Nevada Continuum of Care (CoC), the newly recognized CA531 is now an independent CoC representing Nevada County. Opportunities now exist for the CoC to expand funding through state and federal sources that only a CoC can apply for. Nevada County is committed to engaging with the CoC to collaborate on funding and supporting the CoC through data and leadership. 

Progress Update

Q3 updates:

  • Data quality standards are implemented into all service provider and data provider contracts. Achieved quality By-Name data and can track Built for Zero metrics. Built for Zero metrics are tracked and reported through the HMIS administrator and in ClearPoint. A reporting mechanism as a function of the CoC is in consideration. The CoC is implementing a Data Evaluation Committee to address data quality and performance measures for homeless service providers.
  • The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) subcommittee has worked to address recommendations outlined in the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) technical assistance for improvements to the coordinated entry system. The CoC implemented a direct referral process, an inactive policy has been adopted, and mandatory data quality standards. HMIS/CE committee is currently on pause so that organizational structure with HMIS and coordinated entry can be considered.
  • The CoC score given by HUD score has been raised from previous years but are still slightly below median. The Homeless Resource Council of the Sierras (HRCS) implemented a method of engaging service providers on the application questionnaire. The score affects the CoC's ability to compete for federal funding.
  • Homeless Action Plan was created in collaboration with County and CoC and outlines shared goals and priorities through 2024. County PIO team released a press release messaging the collaboration between the County and the CoC to develop the Homeless Action Plan. The Plan identifies disparities among subpopulations found through HMIS and the coordinated entry system. Measurable goals were developed to address these disparities. Specific policies to address disparities and and contracted deliverable need to be developed. The plan was accepted by the state. The CoC is now administering HHAP funding tied to the shared goals and will be working to include performance measures related to the goals in provider contracts.
  • The 2023 PIT count was conducted and preliminary numbers were released by HRCS. The CoC and the County will continue to collaborate on PIT counts.
  • An executive director for the CoC was hired. The CoC is currently exploring funding options for ongoing funding to support the position.

Next Steps


Angela Masker (HHSA)
Brendan Phillips (HHSA)


Not Started
Point in Time Homeless Count
Homeless Plan Phase 1
On Target
Allocations and Grants
Housing and Community Services


Support the Governing Board of the CoC
Homeless Plan 2023 | 9/1/22 - 9/30/22
On Target
Support the HMIS/CES Subcommittee within the CoC
Homeless Plan 2023 | 9/1/22 - 9/30/22


On Target
Board of Supervisors 2023


Mike Dent
Mike Dent (Housing and Community Services)