On Target
Expand and strengthen non-congregant, navigation-based, interim housing options
Homeless Plan 2023


The COVID-19 has changed the way sheltering approached. With additional funding available for non-congregate sheltering, options can be expanded for housing while working with individuals to address barriers to housing and navigate to permanent housing options. 

Progress Update

Q3 updates:

  • Capacity in the shelter has been created through the opening of Brunswick Commons and the support of 20 bed units at Sierra Guest House. We continue to support the use of hotel rooms for medically vulnerable people in the community. Conversations continue towards the goal of maximizing all beds in the homeless response system for emergency shelter, interim housing, and then permanent housing.  A contract is in progress to expand shelter and interim beds through Behavioral Health Bridge Housing funding. 
  • All providers are currently using the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) to track all hotel/motel stayers. All contracted providers are required to capture data on anyone entering the homeless response system.
  • Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) competitive grant awarded $1,000,000 to develop the Housing Support Team to actively engage individuals with substance use disorders receive assistance with securing permanent housing upon entry into treatment.
  • Actively working with the Housing Resource Teams (HRT) and coordinated entry to refine, update, and ensure accuracy of all people on the By-Name List. We have achieved the quality data marker and the Built for Zero Data portal is real-time.

Next Steps

  • Work with Connecting Point and HMIS administrator to develop a process to quickly identify newly homeless people and connect them to services.
  • Continue to explore additional options to expand non-congregate interim shelter to reduce unsheltered homelessness.


Angela Masker (HHSA)
Brendan Phillips (HHSA)