Expand services and housing opportunities to transition aged youth and families with children to prevent entry into the adult homeless system and long-term homelessness.
Homeless Plan 2023


Many factors contribute to homeless, such as mental health issues and available options or opportunities for housing. Expanding services to address these concerns is integral in preventing homelessness. 

Progress Update

Q3 updates:

  • A youth specific Point in Time (PIT) was conducted for 2022 and is planned for 2023.
  • The CoC Youth Committee met and outlined activities to benefit homeless youth. The CoC and the County are collaborating to disburse youth set aside funding allocated to the County through the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program; projects selected will be in line with goals for youth outlined in the Homeless Action Plan. The provider selection process will begin in October with contracts finalized in November. 
  • The Rapid Response Team (RRT) meets daily with the Review Evaluate Determine Team consisting of the Child Welfare Services (CWS) Emergency Response team to decide the pathway of CWS referrals. RRT has had success engaging families and over 82% of families who successfully close with RRT do not have a repeat investigation in a year or more following referral, preventing out of home placements.
  • The Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Program with UC Davis has officially launched and referrals are ongoing.
  • The percentage of children aged 0-5 involved with Child Welfare and receiving behavioral health services is at 70%. This is a very successful and significant increase over 2 years and is no longer considered a gap in services.

Next Steps

  • Participate with CoC process to identify providers of youth set aside funds, including availability of interim and supportive housing.


Mike Dent
Mike Dent (Housing and Community Services)
Faye Hignight (Social Services)
Priya Kannall (HHSA)
Angela Masker (HHSA)
Brendan Phillips (HHSA)
Nicholas Ready (Social Services)