Increase availability of rental and mortgage assistance funding to prevent individuals and families from slipping into homelessness and implement a CoC-wide diversion strategy
Homeless Plan 2023


Rental assistance and down payment assistance are key to eviction and foreclosure prevention. The Housing Support Program (HSP) through CalWORKS provides consistent rental assistance to eligible families;  Community Development (CDBG) funding, HOME funding, and Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) provide rental and down payment assistance through Housing and Community Services (HCS) when funds are available. CalWORKS  delivers rental assistance through AMI as a contracted partner. Also key to preventing eviction and foreclosure is to quickly identify those in need through the coordinated entry system and to be able to quickly refer those individuals and families to the best program for their needs. 

The heart of a diversion strategy is quickly identifying and referring people to the best program to assist their housing needs. Currently, the Continuum of Care (CoC) focuses on high vulnerability people: those that are chronically homeless, have substance use disorders or behavioral health disorders, or are medically vulnerable. Supporting lower vulnerability individuals, such as those that may need some temporary rental assistance, or additional support with CalWORKS or CalFresh to prevent homelessness, is a gap in the homeless response system. 

Progress Update

Q3 updates:

  • The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) CV1 Subsistence Program began distributing rental, mortgage, and utility assistance to individuals financially affected by the pandemic in November.  Of the 37 households served to date, 28 households had pay or quit notices or evictions or foreclosure processes threatening and were able to remain in their homes. A total of $175,453.45 has been administered. 
  • Rental Assistance through the CalWORKS Housing Support Program (HSP) is dispersed through a contract with AMI Housing since FY 21/22. AMI has leveraged Housing Support Program (HSP) funds with  other available housing funds through the Continuum of Care (CoC) and other sources. CalWORKS continues to contract with Connecting Point to leverage the Family Stabilization Program funds.
  •  HCS staff and the HMIS administrator developed a process for a "prevention by-name list" that identifies individuals at risk of homelessness. 

Next Steps

  • Develop a process  to identify low vulnerability individuals quickly to prevent homelessness. 
  • Develop a process to process individuals at risk of homelessness on the prevention by-name list.
  • Administer Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) once the state releases the funds.


Kelly Carpenter (Social Services)
Tamaran Cook (Social Services)
Angela Masker (HHSA)
Brendan Phillips (HHSA)