On Target
Office of Emergency Services 2022


OES leads crisis and disaster recovery efforts, including support for residents seeking public Assistance, County reimbursement from State and Federal sources, as well as hazard remediation and debris removal.

Progress Update

Highlights from Q3 (July-September 2023) include:

  • Worked with Cal OES and FEMA to complete the River Fire Public Assistance Reimbursement claim; $267K dollars was received to cover County response costs.
  • Worked with Cal OES recovery staff to move projects from the January 2022 Winter Storm forward.
  • Worked with FEMA on the Federal Presidential Declaration (DR-4699) for public costs stemming from the February/March 2023 Winter Storms. Set up a multi-day Disaster Recovery Center at Bear River High School to support Nevada County residents affected by the February/March 2023 Winter Storms with recovery programming.
  • 35 Small Business Association loans valued at $1,246,600 were approved for residents affected by the February/March 2023 Winter Storms.
  • $440K in Individual and Household Program funds were approved for individual residents affected by the February/March 2023 Winter Storms.

Next Steps

Plans for Q4 (October-December 2023) include:

  • Move forward the January Winter Storm California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA) Recovery Claim as well as the CDAA & FEMA February/March 2023 Winter Storms Recovery Claim.
  • Continue to work on an evergreen recovery website that residents can reference year-round for disaster recovery information.



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Emergency Preparedness
Board of Supervisors 2021
On Target
Emergency Preparedness
Board of Supervisors 2023
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Emergency Preparedness
Board of Supervisors 2022
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Emergency Preparedness
Office of Emergency Services 2022