On Target
Hazard Mitigation
Office of Emergency Services 2022


Through identifying risks and vulnerabilities common to Nevada County, developing long-term strategies and collaboratively seeking funds to address these threats, OES works to reduce all hazards in Nevada County, with a specific focus on wildfire.

County of Nevada OES has identified grant attainment, affordable residential green waste disposal, and the Defensible Space Program as areas of concentration for mitigation in 2022.

Progress Update

Highlights from Q3 (July-September 2023) include:

  • Prepared Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) for Environmental Services and Registered Professional Foresters (RPF) for wildfire mitigation projects including the Ponderosa West Grass Valley Phase II, Ponderosa West Grass Valley Phase 1 Maintenance, and Woodpecker Ravine Phase I and II projects.
  • In partnership with Fire Safe Council of Nevada County, continued work on the South County Shaded Fuel Break Project ($952K), a 339-acre, 150-foot-wide roadway shaded fuel break funded by CAL FIRE; as of September treatment had been implemented on 59 properties and 121 acres within the project area.
  • Worked with qualified consultants to lead three strategic planning efforts: the Nevada County Community Wildfire Protection Plan Update (funded by CWDG), the Evacuation Study (funded by CAL FIRE), and the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update (funded by FEMA)
  • Submitted a $5M FEMA-HMGP (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program) proposal for the Lower Deer Creek/Penn Valley Hazardous Vegetation Abatement Project.
  • Worked with USFS Tahoe National Forest to develop a Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) stewardship agreement.

Next Steps

Plans for Q4 (October-December 2023) include:

  • Release an RFQ for Environmental Consulting Services to complete CEQA/NEPA compliance required for the Woodpecker Ravine Shaded Fuel Break Phase 1 and 2 Project, the Ponderosa Phase 2 Shaded Fuel Break Project, the Ponderosa Phase 1 Maintenance Project, and the Roadside Vegetation Abatement Project.
  • Contract with Sierra Nevada Conservancy for the South Yuba Rim Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project.
  • Accept funds from the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) for the Woodpecker Ravine Shaded Fuel Break Project Phase II, United States Forest Service (USFS) for the Ponderosa West Grass Valley Defense Phase1 Maintenance Project, and the Wildlife Conservation Board for the Sierra Foothill Forest Climate Resilience Project.
  • Finalize USFS Tahoe National Forest Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) agreement that will allow OES to partner with USFS for projects on federal land adjacent to priority communities.
  • Be responsive to ongoing Requests for Information for pending grants including the Lower Deer Creek/Penn Valley Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project ($5 Million Dollars), the Access and Functional Needs Defensible Space Project, and the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Project.


Combination chart with 5 data series.
DSI Inspection Program Case Status (Chart Type: Column) Plot Bands Q2-23 Cases Opened in Quarter: 66.00 In Compliance: 12.00 Cases with Citation: 0.00 Referred to Code: 0.00 Active Cases: 102.00 Q3-23 Cases Opened in Quarter: 54.00 In Compliance: 8.00 Cases with Citation: 0.00 Referred to Code: No Value Active Cases: 81.00 Q4-23 Cases Opened in Quarter: No Value In Compliance: No Value Cases with Citation: No Value Referred to Code: No Value Active Cases: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 150.
End of interactive chart.


Not Defined
Roadside Vegetation Treatment
Office of Emergency Services 2022
On Target
DSI Inspection Program
Office of Emergency Services 2022


Not Defined
Emergency Preparedness
Board of Supervisors 2021
On Target
Emergency Preparedness
Board of Supervisors 2023
Not Defined
Emergency Preparedness
Board of Supervisors 2022
Not Defined
Emergency Preparedness
Office of Emergency Services 2022