On Target
Reduce Hazardous Vegetation on County-Maintained Roads and County Owned Property
Information and General Services


Public Works and Facilities are responsible for managing hazardous vegetation treatment along county-maintained roadways and properties. These departments are developing vegetation treatment plans, pursuing grants, and are implementing strategies across departments to achieve greater fuels reduction on County properties to serve as examples of land stewardship and to keep members of the public and properties safe. 

Progress Update

Next Steps

Plans for Q4 (October-December 2023) include:

  • Contract with a qualified consultant to conduct the necessary planning activities delineated in the FEMA Roadside Vegetation Abatement Phase 1 Grant.
  • Initiate work with a qualified consultant to conduct the winter storm debris clean-up actions on County-maintained roads funded by CAL FIRE.


Not Defined
Roadside Vegetation Treatment
Office of Emergency Services 2022
Not Defined
Roadside Vegetation Treatment
Office of Emergency Services 2021
Not Defined

Roadside Vegetation Treatment
Roadside Vegetation Treatment

Roadside Vegetation Miles Treated

Line chart with 2 lines.
Roadside Vegetation Treatment (Chart Type: Line with Markers) Plot Bands Q4-22 Target: 63.50 Miles Treated: 14.00 Q1-23 Target: No Value Miles Treated: No Value Q2-23 Target: No Value Miles Treated: No Value Q3-23 Target: No Value Miles Treated: No Value
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 80.
End of interactive chart.


Not Defined
Wildfire Preparation and Prevention
Board of Supervisors 2019 (Archive)
Not Defined
Wildfire Preparation and Prevention
Board of Supervisors 2020 (Archive)
Not Defined
Emergency Preparedness
Board of Supervisors 2021
On Target
Emergency Preparedness
Board of Supervisors 2023
Not Defined
Emergency Preparedness
Board of Supervisors 2022