Initiative Details
Board of Supervisors 2023
Progress Update
Next Steps

Since Q3 (July through September 2023) represents the first quarter of the Fiscal Year (FY), which is traditionally not a strong indicator for the rest of the year, the following updates are focused on final FY 22-23 results

  • Property and Transfer Taxes
    • Property taxes are the largest source of discretionary revenues for the County, and continued to grow in FY 22-23, and at a higher rate than any of the previous five Fiscal Years (9%)
    • Transfer Taxes on the other hand came in less than the previous two Fiscal Years, but higher than FY 19-20 by 14%.
    • This is in part due to an unprecedented increase in transfer activities in FY 20-21, presumably a result primarily of COVID-19 pandemic driven market activity.
    • Transfer Taxes have historically been a leading indicator of trends on Property Tax revenues. However, the COVID-19 driven spike makes it difficult to predict what the FY 22-23 data means for the future
  • Sales Tax
    • Sales tax revenues softened as compared to FY 21-22
    • However, FY 21-22 was somewhat anomalous as compared to the previous several fiscal years
    • FY 22-23 is ended 8% higher than FY 20-21, which may indicate a return to more typical performance going forward
  • Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) revenues grew by 19%
  • Business Activity
    • Building fees performed slightly better than FY 21-22
    • Recording fees are down as compared to previous years
    • Similar to transfer taxes, these fees experienced an unprecedented increase coincident with the COVID-19 pandemic
    • However, the revenue projections indicate reduced activity even as compared to pre-pandemic years
  • Gas Tax revenues exceeded previous years, indicating no significant slowing in this area of economic activity

Plans for Q4 (October through December 2023) include:

  • Continue to monitor key revenue streams for indicators of recession
  • Develop pre-emptive recession response plans with Fiscal Administrative Collaboration Team (FACT) to ensure departments are ready to respond quickly if/when needed

Highlights from Q3 (July through September 2023) include:

  • Fiscal Year 22-23 accrual period is mostly settled
  • Initial analysis of General Fund performance indicates a positive result
  • Initial analysis of major operating funds indicates continuation of healthy fund balances

Plans for Q4 (October through December 2023) include:

  • An update on year-end position in all major funds will be presented at the Board's January Workshop

Highlights from Q3 (July through September 2023) include:

  • Formally adopted the American Rescue Plan Act Revised Expenditure Plan as presented at the January 2023 Board Workshop, with budget established to facilitate project implementation
  • Acquired land adjacent to Nevada County Operations Center, providing a potential location for projects identified in the Capital Facilities Master Plan, including the county Animal Shelter
  • McCourtney Road Transfer Station reconfiguration project continues

Plans for Q4 (October through December 2023) include:

  • Update 5-year General Fund forecast in advance of Board’s January Workshop
  • Work with Facilities to obtain a timeline for projects remaining on Capital Facilities Master Plan
  • Develop a Request for Proposals to advance the Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) project, a major component of the Information Technology Strategic Plan

Highlights from Q3 (July through September 2023) include:

  • First quarter of Fiscal Year does not provide a lot of insight into how the rest of the year will perform as compared to adopted budget
  • September Senior Executive Workshop provided insight into staffing needs and priority development for FY 24-25 budget

Plans for Q4 (October through December 2023) include:

  • Prepare tools, projections and resources for FY 24-25 budget development
  • Prepare for Board’s January Workshop where key strategic direction will be provided

Plans for Q4 (October-December 2023) include:

  • Contract with a qualified consultant to conduct the necessary planning activities delineated in the FEMA Roadside Vegetation Abatement Phase 1 Grant.
  • Initiate work with a qualified consultant to conduct the winter storm debris clean-up actions on County-maintained roads funded by CAL FIRE.
On Target
Hazard MitigationOffice of Emergency Services 2022

Highlights from Q3 (July-September 2023) include:

  • Prepared Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) for Environmental Services and Registered Professional Foresters (RPF) for wildfire mitigation projects including the Ponderosa West Grass Valley Phase II, Ponderosa West Grass Valley Phase 1 Maintenance, and Woodpecker Ravine Phase I and II projects.
  • In partnership with Fire Safe Council of Nevada County, continued work on the South County Shaded Fuel Break Project ($952K), a 339-acre, 150-foot-wide roadway shaded fuel break funded by CAL FIRE; as of September treatment had been implemented on 59 properties and 121 acres within the project area.
  • Worked with qualified consultants to lead three strategic planning efforts: the Nevada County Community Wildfire Protection Plan Update (funded by CWDG), the Evacuation Study (funded by CAL FIRE), and the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update (funded by FEMA)
  • Submitted a $5M FEMA-HMGP (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program) proposal for the Lower Deer Creek/Penn Valley Hazardous Vegetation Abatement Project.
  • Worked with USFS Tahoe National Forest to develop a Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) stewardship agreement.

Plans for Q4 (October-December 2023) include:

  • Release an RFQ for Environmental Consulting Services to complete CEQA/NEPA compliance required for the Woodpecker Ravine Shaded Fuel Break Phase 1 and 2 Project, the Ponderosa Phase 2 Shaded Fuel Break Project, the Ponderosa Phase 1 Maintenance Project, and the Roadside Vegetation Abatement Project.
  • Contract with Sierra Nevada Conservancy for the South Yuba Rim Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project.
  • Accept funds from the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) for the Woodpecker Ravine Shaded Fuel Break Project Phase II, United States Forest Service (USFS) for the Ponderosa West Grass Valley Defense Phase1 Maintenance Project, and the Wildlife Conservation Board for the Sierra Foothill Forest Climate Resilience Project.
  • Finalize USFS Tahoe National Forest Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) agreement that will allow OES to partner with USFS for projects on federal land adjacent to priority communities.
  • Be responsive to ongoing Requests for Information for pending grants including the Lower Deer Creek/Penn Valley Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project ($5 Million Dollars), the Access and Functional Needs Defensible Space Project, and the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Project.
On Target
RecoveryOffice of Emergency Services 2022

Highlights from Q3 (July-September 2023) include:

  • Worked with Cal OES and FEMA to complete the River Fire Public Assistance Reimbursement claim; $267K dollars was received to cover County response costs.
  • Worked with Cal OES recovery staff to move projects from the January 2022 Winter Storm forward.
  • Worked with FEMA on the Federal Presidential Declaration (DR-4699) for public costs stemming from the February/March 2023 Winter Storms. Set up a multi-day Disaster Recovery Center at Bear River High School to support Nevada County residents affected by the February/March 2023 Winter Storms with recovery programming.
  • 35 Small Business Association loans valued at $1,246,600 were approved for residents affected by the February/March 2023 Winter Storms.
  • $440K in Individual and Household Program funds were approved for individual residents affected by the February/March 2023 Winter Storms.

Plans for Q4 (October-December 2023) include:

  • Move forward the January Winter Storm California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA) Recovery Claim as well as the CDAA & FEMA February/March 2023 Winter Storms Recovery Claim.
  • Continue to work on an evergreen recovery website that residents can reference year-round for disaster recovery information.

Progress for Q3 (July - September 2023) included:


As one of the fastest-growing sectors, tourism provides significant revenue to our county. A priority is to drive traffic to our county through the website by focusing on stories with things that set our county apart such as fall foliage, disc golf, skate parks, and more.

Additional activities included:

  • Launching the new Art in Public Spaces Program which kicked off with a fantastic exhibit at the Rood Center focused on the work of the local photography club.
  • Participation in the Visit California Regional Tourism Advisory Committee began meeting and began working on a Tourism Readiness Index Framework that will provide great data to help guide our tourism decisions going forward.

Agriculture: The Agricultural Commision Department engages in a wide array of activities that support a healthy agricultural industry while protecting the environment. The Agricultural Advisory Commission is comprised of partners in farming, livestock, equine, agricultural interests, cattle and more to work collaboratively in the community to work collaboratively on the agricultural assets of Nevada County. 

  • Work continued to finalize the Annual Nevada County Crop and Livestock report which will be presented to the BOS next quarter.
  • A Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation (SALC) grant (listed under the funding initiative) was submitted through the Resource Conservation District.
  • Along with Building, Code and Compliance, the Agricultural Commission Department participated at the Nevada County Collaboration Day.
  • Chris de Nijs, Agricultural Commissioner, received a CA State Assn. of Counties (CSAC) Award for the Disaster Livestock Access Program to support the safe evacuation of livestock from commercial ranch operations during a disaster such as a wildfire.



The Planning Department and Code and Cannabis Compliance Division will work on an amendment to the Cannabis Ordinance, based on direction which was provided to staff at the January 2023 Board Workshop.

  • Cannabis Compliance contracted with Sierra Business Council to administer the Cannabis Compliance Equity Grant program for those interested in commercial cannabis cultivation.
  • Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) and GoBiz grants to support the work in the Cannabis Division were accepted by the Board of Supervisors.
  • Cannabis Compliance staff toured Assemblywoman Megan Dahle through several local cannabis related businesses.

Plans for Q4 (October - December 2023) includes:

Tourism: Fall and winter activities are one of the greatest draws for tourists to our community. Focus will be given on increasing traffic through the site by continuing to refresh and migrate highly searched topics such as Halloween inspired experiences, Victorian and Cornish Christmas celebrations. 

An influencer from Beautiful Destinations will visit Nevada County in October to capture content for social media.

Agriculture: The economic impact of Nevada County's Agriculture industry is significant. This includes a wide array of businesses in the county including farm production, ranching, agribusiness, and more. In October, The Ag Commissioner will present the new Nevada County Annual Crop and Livestock report at the October BOS meeting. In addition, the Economic Development Office will provide a presentation to the Agricultural Advisory Commission on November 15.


  • Once the Department of Cannabis Control Retail Grant (listed under the funding initiative) goes to the Board of Supervisors on October 24th, next steps in the scope of work will be implemented.

    Progress from Q3 (July - September 2023). Economic Development planning is a cornerstone for successfully leveraging the private sector and establishing a strategic blueprint for regional collaboration. This includes:

    • A contract with Integrated Communication Strategies includes a scope of work to engage with the local economic partners that resulting in a two-year Economic Development Action Plan. The process launched in July and included: 
      • Conducting interviews with key stakeholders.   
      • Accessing and supplying data with analysis.
      • Development of communication assets.
    • The CCA (Community Choice Aggregation) will be presented to the Board in October at which time there will be direction on next steps.
    • Subregional conveners (Nevada County Economic Resource Council and Tahoe Prosperity) were selected by the Community Economic Resiliency Fund (CERF) to reach out to disinvested communities and convene leaders to identify high priority projects for Nevada County.

    Plans for Q4 (October - December 2023) will include:

    • The Economic Development action plan process shall:
      • Provide an Opportunities, Assets and Constraints (OAC) analysis with recommendations.
      • Convene partner meetings to align the group on findings and actions.
      • Provide a draft action plan for review.
    • The Program Manager applied to serve on the Community Economic Resiliency Fund (CERF) leadership team which will be announced in November. Simultaneously, the work of the subregional conveners will continue focused on bringing forward high priority projects that will then be reviewed through the CERF process at the regional level.

    Progress from Q3 (July - September 2023). Well executed infrastructure activities result in an economy of scales, can reduce cost, engage workforce and thus is a vital ingredient to economic growth and development. Activities during this period included: 

    For those living in North San Juan, the Fire Suppression project will be a major accomplishment for safety. Considerable work has occurred including: 

    • Completed public outreach for community meetings that will take place in 4Q 2023.
    • Finalized the environmental documents and published for public review and comment as required under CEQA.
    • Refined the number of parcels to be included within the proposed zone of benefit based on parcels with building structures vs undeveloped parcels.
    • Updated project costs and solicited state and local grant assistance (if possible) from the CEO’s grant assistance staff.
    • Collaborated with the USDA on information requirements and timeline for maintaining federal earmark funding eligibility.
    • Completed project area survey to define the topography, parcel boundary locations, easement locations and descriptions, and the proposed CSA boundary.
    • Finalized project schedule for CSA formation, project construction, and funding timelines.
    • Received design consultant’s contract amendment proposal and prepared staff report and resolution for preparation of Board of Supervisor’s October 24, 2023, meeting.
    Donner Summit Visitor Association:
    • Staff continue to engage with the Donner Summit Association on their Visitor Center project that is currently seeking funding for their concept design and construction plan.
    • In August, $20,000 from the Outdoor Visitor Safety Fund was directed for marketing and promotion for the Donner Summit businesses and attractions that suffered through storms, fire, smoke, road closures and more. Next steps and the timing of those next steps is being developed.
    County Facilities:
    • Groundbreaking for a 20,000 square foot County Storage facility has taken place. 
    • The County acquired a 22-acre parcel on La Barr Meadows for potential new Animal Shelter, green waste and transit program expansion.

    Plans for Q4 (October - December 2023) include:

    The North San Juan Fire project will:

    • Provide two community meetings and presentations for the project’s public outreach within the zone of benefit.
    • Approve the design consultant’s proposed amendment.
    • Acquire all necessary easements for project construction and maintenance.
    • Begin environmental mitigations for monitoring pre-operation site conditions (if necessary).
    • Complete updated engineering study, including updating potential fees.
    • Finish the USDA’s funding application.
    • Progress the plans, specifications and estimates for the project to 60% completion.
    • Complete the CEQA process, including addressing all public comments and present to the Board.
    • The Nevada County Board of Supervisors will consider approving the formation of a new County Service Area for this system to define the zone of benefit and establish a fee assessment mechanism for the property owners included the zone of benefit to pay for its maintenance and operation.

    Donner Summit Visitor Center:

      • Staff will continue to coordinate with the Donner Summit Association on their next steps including a meeting with key stakeholders.
      • A plan on the best way to expend the $20,000 from the Outdoor Visitor Safety Fund will be rolled out.
      County Facilities:
      • The foundation, and structure erection for the County Storage Building is expected to occur in November.
      • The Ranch House six-plex housing complex groundbreaking will take place in late October 2023. This includes 3,700 square feet with six individual apartments for client of Behavioral Health programming.
      • Storm damage repairs on the Orchard house on Brunswick will be completed in November allowing the return of Behavioral Health clients living spaces.

      Progress from Q3 (July - September 2023). As a priority Board objective, economic development must advocate for policies, initiatives, and programs that promote job creation and encourage investment, but also one that addresses equitable economic prosperity opportunities for all. This period activities included:

      • Coordination of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS) activities with SBC and other regional partners ensures the work overlapped with the Community Economic Resilience Fund) CERF process.
      • Participated with local, regional and state leaders at the Sustainability Summit to discuss successful programs and challenges that will have an impact on climate, economic development, recreation, and more.
      • Successfully secured a grant from the CA Department of Cannabis Control Retail Access program with $200,000 directed toward the development of an ordinance to allow up to three licenses for retail in the unincorporated area with an additional $75,000 for equity.
      • Coordinated with the Resource Conservation District on the submission of a Sustainable Agricultural Land Conservation grant.

      Plans for Q4 (October - December 2023) include:

      • One of the current impediments to new housing development is the cost of fire insurance. The county will proactively participate in dialogue with regional, state and federal representatives to bring these challenges to their attention with a goal of getting these elevated in California and Washington.
      • Engage with the Clerk of the Board Office to suggest economic projects to be considered for the 2024 Nevada County Legislative Platform.
      • The ability for private business to successfully accomplish projects is key to a healthy community. County staff will continue to assist these projects which include housing, business, culture, etc. by helping them navigate through the county processes, referring them to potential grant and finance opportunities, and directing them to other resources.  

      Progress from Q3 (July - September 2023). Small businesses are struggling to recover from so many challenges over the past three years including COVID, storms, fire, smoke and more. Damage from storms, inability to keep workforce, and declined customers have made it difficult. To that end the following has been completed:

      • Renewed the contract with the Sierra Business Council which focuses work on Business Technical Assistance, Warm Handoff Coordinated Services, Private Business Collaboration, and Promoting the expansion of Rural Broadband.
      • Business interactions and warm handoffs included 65 interactions through the economic development office and over 100 through the Small Business Development Center.
      • Proactively participated in developing opportunities for youth interested in career technical education that will provide work options in the community. Staff participated in youth employment programs including:
        • Nevada County CEO program in collaboration with the Nevada Joint Union High School District (NJUHS)
        • NJUHS Career Technical Advisory Committee.
      • Assisted eight businesses that were impacted during the winter storm by serving as a liaison to get them connected to the Small Business Administration by the September 1, 2023, deadline for property damage.

      Plans for Q4 (October - December 2023) include:

      • Continue to build out the economic development toolkit. Next steps are Phase II of the economic development Webpage, tax increment and financing options, a printable business development toolkit, and collaborative education programs.
      • Coordinate with the Office of Emergency Services to determine if a recovery and resiliency plan for business in the event of disaster would be beneficial.
        1. The final Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the development of Broadband was completed in February 2023. The EIR will assist ISPs and developers with environmental analysis and legal compliance for the development of broadband throughout the county, thereby decreasing some associated costs of development.
        2. Staff is currently conducting comparative research across other jurisdictions on the development of a permitting “toolkit” to promote the expansion of broadband development. County staff have developed preliminary permitting flowcharts and decision trees that could be incorporated into the “toolkit”.

      Conduct comparative research across other jurisdictions on the development of a permitting “toolkit” to promote the expansion of broadband development with aim to have a draft toolkit by early 2024.

      Nevada County Fiber completed its Last-Mile grant application with the project complete. Currently Norther Sierra Broadband Last-Mile grant is still under development.

      The next round of the Last-Mile Grant Program will be aimed ad launching in March of 2024 with the goal of awarding by July of 2024. The next round of the program will leverage American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds which are requested to be allocated next calendar year and used by 2025.

      The County’s Broadband Workgroup continues to regularly connive and advise the county’s strategy on the development of broadband on an ongoing basis that includes representatives from Information General Services Agency, the County’s Chief Information Officer, County Executive Office, Community Development Agency, Public Works, Nevada County Planning Department, Economic Development and the Board of Supervisors. Key updates were incorporated into the Nevada County Broadband Strategy Plan

      The county’s consultant, Sierra Business Council (SBC) shall work and partner with the County on any updates as needed and going forward.

      There has been minimal use of the County’s Dig-Ince Policy. Public Works is anticipating several potential applicants and has scheduled a meeting with PG&E on to advance future opportunities for the use of the program.

      Continue to promote the use of the program to applicable developers.

      The County continues to issue press releases to the public on key updates on the development of broadband. Recently, the Broadband Workgroup raised caution on how communication is conducted to prevent misleading expectations on the county’s work that can raise false hopes, as much of the work is dependent on outside funding, state and federal approval and ISP participation. That being said, the issue continues to be a high-requested agenda item for townhall and community meetings.

      Staff will engage the the Public Information Officer (PIO) team for communication consultation and support.

      Nevada County submitted a project for the development of a municipal broadband network through the Golden State Connect Authority on September 28, 2023 for funding through the Federal Funding Account first round. If approved, the project would advance a broadband network in western Nevada County that could impact 4,694 homes with last-mile broadband access. The areas selected for the grant application were based on eligible priority areas, per connection costs, proximity to existing middle mile, network sustainability, and network expansion, among other scoring criteria. The project as proposed will be built, owned, and operated by GSCA.

      Golden State Connect Authority anticipates receiving notice on the grant in February 2024. The decision will impact the Broadband Workgroup’s recommended strategies and next steps.

      The Broadband Workgroup is considering bringing forward an agenda item to the Board Workshop regarding the issue of wireless internet cellular towers in the County and the pros and cons associated with alleviated permitting and guideline standards.

      Staff is currently conducting research on the issue of wireless internet cellular towers in the County and the pros and cons associated with alleviated permitting and guideline standards to help promote the development and expansion of wireless internet throughout the county as a part of the county’s blended strategy as outlined in the Nevada county Broadband Strategy.


      Q3 updates:

      • Currently two housing navigators work with the Housing Resource Team (HRT) to coordinate acquiring subsidies and connecting subsidies to landlords. The program needs work on mediation and the rapid response process for landlords.
      • All 30 Housing Choice Vouchers have been utilized. Many went to Empire Mine Courtyard and prevented homelessness.  AMI and our CalWORKs Team have utilized vouchers whenever possible.
      • Partnering with Regional Housing Authority (RHA) and the Continuum of Care (CoC) to preserve vouchers within the community has been highly successful. Nevada County maintains high performance across the region and in the state for preserving vouchers in the community.
      • Develop a mediation and rapid response process for landlords participating in the Landlord Liaison Program.

      Q3 updates:

      • Behavioral Health Community Infrastructure Program funds were awarded to purchase a property on Sutton Way to be used as a day center and navigation center. Escrow closed on the property on September 15 and staff are currently working to pull down grant funding and begin renovations.
      • Empire Mine Courtyards acquired through Homekey funds has been converted into permanent affordable housing. Units are complete and residents are moved in. 
      • Community Care Expansion (CCE) in the amount of $2,700,000 has been awarded to complete construction of the Ranch House. All approvals and permits are complete and construction is set to begin in October 2023. Estimated completion is September 2024.
      • Pacific Crest Commons will provide 10 supportive housing units in Truckee. Round 4 No Place Like Home funding has been awarded and the project has also secured $2M in local soft financing for development costs.  Federal tax credit awards will be announced in November. 
      • The Affordable Workforce and Housing Team meets monthly and is a collaboration between the Community Development Agency and Health and Human Services to advance development of affordable and workforce housing through coordination on projects and policies.
      • Round 3 PLHA allocations in the amount of $928,837 were awarded in November 2022. Awarded funds will be used for the Local Housing Trust Fund (LHTF) match application along with $500,000 in local funds and $500,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Application for LHTF was submitted May 17, 2023. Awards to be announced next quarter.
      • A Request for Proposal (RFP) was released through the Western Nevada County Regional Housing Trust Fund for 60% AMI or below affordable rental housing in January 2023. A developer was selected to complete phase 2 of Lone Oak Senior Apartments in Penn Valley for 31 units of low income senior housing.
      • An RFP for owner occupied construction was released in May. Habitat for Humanity has been selected to develop an owner occupied house in Grass Valley.

      • Continue Affordable and Workforce Housing Team monthly meetings.
      • Continue to consider possible Homekey projects. 

      Q3 updates:

      • The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) CV1 Subsistence Program began distributing rental, mortgage, and utility assistance to individuals financially affected by the pandemic in November.  Of the 37 households served to date, 28 households had pay or quit notices or evictions or foreclosure processes threatening and were able to remain in their homes. A total of $175,453.45 has been administered. 
      • Rental Assistance through the CalWORKS Housing Support Program (HSP) is dispersed through a contract with AMI Housing since FY 21/22. AMI has leveraged Housing Support Program (HSP) funds with  other available housing funds through the Continuum of Care (CoC) and other sources. CalWORKS continues to contract with Connecting Point to leverage the Family Stabilization Program funds.
      •  HCS staff and the HMIS administrator developed a process for a "prevention by-name list" that identifies individuals at risk of homelessness. 
      • Develop a process  to identify low vulnerability individuals quickly to prevent homelessness. 
      • Develop a process to process individuals at risk of homelessness on the prevention by-name list.
      • Administer Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) once the state releases the funds.

      Q3 updates:

      • A youth specific Point in Time (PIT) was conducted for 2022 and is planned for 2023.
      • The CoC Youth Committee met and outlined activities to benefit homeless youth. The CoC and the County are collaborating to disburse youth set aside funding allocated to the County through the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program; projects selected will be in line with goals for youth outlined in the Homeless Action Plan. The provider selection process will begin in October with contracts finalized in November. 
      • The Rapid Response Team (RRT) meets daily with the Review Evaluate Determine Team consisting of the Child Welfare Services (CWS) Emergency Response team to decide the pathway of CWS referrals. RRT has had success engaging families and over 82% of families who successfully close with RRT do not have a repeat investigation in a year or more following referral, preventing out of home placements.
      • The Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Program with UC Davis has officially launched and referrals are ongoing.
      • The percentage of children aged 0-5 involved with Child Welfare and receiving behavioral health services is at 70%. This is a very successful and significant increase over 2 years and is no longer considered a gap in services.
      • Participate with CoC process to identify providers of youth set aside funds, including availability of interim and supportive housing.

      Q3 updates: 

      • Purchased and opened a new permanent supportive house supported by 24/7 full-service partnership staffing and services. We have 7 clients housed at this location.
      • Brunswick Commons has been in operation for over a year providing 12 units of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). To date, PSH units have remained consistently occupied with minimal turnover. Empire Mine Courtyard was completed and added 6 units of PSH, and the 24/7 BH supportive housing was completed and is providing 7 units of PSH. Pacific Crest Commons is still in the planning phases but will provide 10 units of PSH once completed. Ranch House project will add 6 units of PSH upon completion in 2024, construction was started in Q3 2023. Badger Lane will also provide up to 6 units of PSH once renovations are completed, located adjacent to the Home Key project, estimated to be completed in 2024.
      • The Housing Support Team is fully staffed with 3 Post Housing Support Specialists that have served over 90 households, including 18 households housed at the new Empire Mine Courtyard. The Housing Support Team has a dedicated staff position embedded in recovery residency programs with the sole role of working to navigate recovery residence stayers into permanent housing.

      Q3 updates:

      • Funding for low barrier shelter and Sierra Guest Home have shifted to the CoC and will become part of the CoC programming. Funding for the North San Juan warming shelter will also transfer to the CoC. The Sierra Roots contract for FY 23/24 is in progress for Western County warming shelter activities. Contract is in place to support Truckee Day Center operations for FY 23/24.
      • Continued to provide family housing and shelter options through the CalWORKS Housing Support Program and domestic violence shelter services through Community Beyond Violence.
      • Ongoing work is being done with Hospitality House to best use expanded capacity and limit amount of time in shelter. Funding opportunities for expanding shelter capacity are continuously considered. 
      • The Youth Committee met and outlined activities to benefit youth in the homeless response system. The CoC and the County are collaborating to disburse youth set aside funding allocated to the County through the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program; projects selected will be in line with goals for youth outlined in the Homeless Action Plan and activities identified by the Youth Committee. The process for identifying projects will begin in October with contracts finalized n November through the CoC.
      • The County of Nevada, Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation, AMI Housing, and the USFS continue to make progress in opening the Hobart Mills location as a seasonal workforce Housing Pilot in the coming months. Eastern County warming center operations will be transferring to the CoC for funding support. 
      • Continue conversations with Hospitality House on how to best reduce time spent in the shelter.

      Q3 updates:

      • Capacity in the shelter has been created through the opening of Brunswick Commons and the support of 20 bed units at Sierra Guest House. We continue to support the use of hotel rooms for medically vulnerable people in the community. Conversations continue towards the goal of maximizing all beds in the homeless response system for emergency shelter, interim housing, and then permanent housing.  A contract is in progress to expand shelter and interim beds through Behavioral Health Bridge Housing funding. 
      • All providers are currently using the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) to track all hotel/motel stayers. All contracted providers are required to capture data on anyone entering the homeless response system.
      • Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) competitive grant awarded $1,000,000 to develop the Housing Support Team to actively engage individuals with substance use disorders receive assistance with securing permanent housing upon entry into treatment.
      • Actively working with the Housing Resource Teams (HRT) and coordinated entry to refine, update, and ensure accuracy of all people on the By-Name List. We have achieved the quality data marker and the Built for Zero Data portal is real-time.
      • Work with Connecting Point and HMIS administrator to develop a process to quickly identify newly homeless people and connect them to services.
      • Continue to explore additional options to expand non-congregate interim shelter to reduce unsheltered homelessness.

      Q3 updates:

      • Data quality standards are implemented into all service provider and data provider contracts. Achieved quality By-Name data and can track Built for Zero metrics. Built for Zero metrics are tracked and reported through the HMIS administrator and in ClearPoint. A reporting mechanism as a function of the CoC is in consideration. The CoC is implementing a Data Evaluation Committee to address data quality and performance measures for homeless service providers.
      • The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) subcommittee has worked to address recommendations outlined in the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) technical assistance for improvements to the coordinated entry system. The CoC implemented a direct referral process, an inactive policy has been adopted, and mandatory data quality standards. HMIS/CE committee is currently on pause so that organizational structure with HMIS and coordinated entry can be considered.
      • The CoC score given by HUD score has been raised from previous years but are still slightly below median. The Homeless Resource Council of the Sierras (HRCS) implemented a method of engaging service providers on the application questionnaire. The score affects the CoC's ability to compete for federal funding.
      • Homeless Action Plan was created in collaboration with County and CoC and outlines shared goals and priorities through 2024. County PIO team released a press release messaging the collaboration between the County and the CoC to develop the Homeless Action Plan. The Plan identifies disparities among subpopulations found through HMIS and the coordinated entry system. Measurable goals were developed to address these disparities. Specific policies to address disparities and and contracted deliverable need to be developed. The plan was accepted by the state. The CoC is now administering HHAP funding tied to the shared goals and will be working to include performance measures related to the goals in provider contracts.
      • The 2023 PIT count was conducted and preliminary numbers were released by HRCS. The CoC and the County will continue to collaborate on PIT counts.
      • An executive director for the CoC was hired. The CoC is currently exploring funding options for ongoing funding to support the position.

      Q3 Updates: 

      •  Multiple Housing Resource Teams (HRT) spanning Truckee, Veterans, Families, and Chronic Homeless have been implemented. Information is tracked through the coordinated entry system  and all Housing Resource Teams have access. The Built for Zero dashboard is accurate according to the By-Name list and reflects subpopulation for chronic and veterans. 

      Q3 Updates: 

        • The Forensic Liaison is operational and is providing clients leaving incarceration with resources and housing support upon re-entry into the community. Justice and Mental Health Collaboration meetings continue, The Enhanced Care Management (ECM) team supports vulnerable individuals who are justice-involved. Behavioral Health has applied for and was approved as a Justice Involved provider for ECM services.
        • The ECM Team hired 5 staff members, including a clinical consultant, a peer support staff member, and lead care managers serving over 260 clients over the past year.
        • Planning to use the new day center operation as a service location for clients in need of Public Defender and Probation services.
        • Expanded HMIS coverage to include the Housing Support Program (CalWORKS)
        • Worked with Hospitality House (HH) to establish workflows and roles and responsibilities between existing HH staff and the Behavioral Health ECM team. Developed standing meetings between ECM team, hospitality house, and law enforcement.
        • Behavioral Health Bridge Housing (BHBH) grant was awarded which will provide 25-30 new beds to serve as transitional housing for chronically homelessness individuals with serious mental illness and substance use disorders. In total, the program aims to serve approximately 150-200 individuals with the grant. The goal of the funding is to bridge temporary and interim shelter to permanent, sustainable housing.
        • Nevada County Behavioral Health (NCBH) hired 2 peers to enhance case management capacity.
        • Continue to utilize outreach and collaboration with the HOME Team to reach vulnerable Nevada County residents where they're at and bring them into services and shelter.
        • Utilize the day center as a central hub for operations and outreach to bring the ECM and HOME Teams together to implement expanded interim housing operations for serving unsheltered clients.

        Highlights from Q3 (July 2023 – September 2023) include:

        • Convened project and core team working groups to review survey #2 findings and draft project matrix;
        • Began internal review and refinement of draft Project Matrix 2.0 with projects, grants, partnerships, financing, and implementation strategies; and
        • Began final verification of inventory assessment and existing conditions with staff site visits to park district and various locations countywide.
        • Visit to view the story map and sign up for notifications

        Plans for Q4 (October 2023 - December 2023) include:

        • Launch Engagement Window #3 “Transforming Recreation and Resilience in Nevada County" focused on interviews with partner agencies and community partners to confirm and assess project portfolio and connect projects with project leads, partnerships, and funding strategies;
        • Employ "community navigators" to assist DesignWorkshop with connecting with underrepresented communities to ensure Master Plan participation;
        • Begin internal review and refinement of draft Project Matrix 2.0 with projects, grants, partnerships, financing, and implementation strategies; 
        • Summarize existing funding sources and complete existing conditions documentations; and
        • Host one-on-one meetings with each Board Supervisor to provide updates in advance of draft Master Plan presentation in early 2024.

        Highlights from Q3 (July 2023 – September 2023) include:

        • Received approval by Board of Supervisors of Outdoor Visitor Safety Fund round two grants for 8 projects focused on recreation infrastructure and safety improvements; remaining funds from $850,000 allocation were approved for Hirschdale Road parking access and signage ($20K), and Donner Summit tourism marketing and outreach to support businesses and drive visitation (up to $20K);
        • Convened community partners with Nevada County Consolidated Fire District for Station 82 trailhead development;
        • Distributed weekly coordinated messaging and materials (e.g. graphics, bandanas, rack cards, videos) with South Yuba River Public Cohort ("Cohort") members to amplify reach and ensure accurate information; 
        • Deployed life jackets and safety signage at Yuba River crossings with BLM, State Parks, Tahoe National Forest and Cohort partners; 
        • Presentation by county's Dept. of Public Works on Edwards Crossing Bridge Improvement Project to the Board of Supervisors, highlighting opportunities for improving parking and recreational amenities through supplemental funding; and
        • Submitted application for the California State Association of Counties 2023 Challenge Award, showcasing county-led initiatives for Visitor Safety and Outdoor Recreation Management.

        Plans for Q4 (October 2023 - December 2023) include:

        • Begin closing out Outdoor Visitor Safety Fund round 1 projects;
        • Initiate procurement of changeable message signs for 2024 season;
        • Begin analysis of parking citations and enforcement at South Yuba River State Park and Yuba River crossings;
        • Submit grant application to the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife ("CDFW") Boating Access program to support recreation improvements and visitor safety at river access points; and
        • Provide staff analysis and recommendations for road and safety improvements at Purdon Crossing.

        Highlights from Q3 (July 2023 – September 2023) include:

        • Reviewed Habitat Conservation Fund grant application with CA Dept. of Parks and Recreation staff including a visit to the Van Norden Meadow project site;
        • Began discussions with U.S. Forest Service ("USFS") staff for plan development of countywide trail and wayfinding signage standards; 
        • Tracked progress of Pines to Mines Trail planning with Truckee Trails Foundation; the 30-day comment period for the preliminary Environmental Assessment (EA) closed with USFS review to follow; and
        • Led monthly planning meetings for the Heart of Gold Gravel Race and Festival with County Staff, event producers and community partners.

        Plans for Q4 (October 2023 - December 2023) include:

        • Host Pines to Mines Trail project meeting with community partners on funding and implementation strategies;
        • Meet with USFS and Mammoth Lakes Trails and Public Access teams to review case studies on trail system sign planning;
        • Outline workplan for the historic California Trail route and roadside signage with the National Park Service and county's Department of Public Works; 
        • Host Heart of Gold Gravel Race and Festival on October 7th with 250 riders anticipated in support of fundraising for youth mental wellness non-profits in Nevada County; and
        • Host Staff volunteer workday for trail maintenance and vegetation management at Hirschman Trail.

        Highlights from Q3 (July 2023 – September 2023) include:

        • Hosted quarterly meeting with Western Nevada County recreation and park districts (RPDs);
        • Supported completion of Bear River RPD turf field replacement and reviewed project sites for land acquisition and future park development with new General Manager; 
        • Convened meetings with CA Dept. of Parks and Recreation and Western Gateway Recreation and Park District Board Chair to support successful project management and completion of Per Capita and Rural Recreation and Tourism grant awards; and
        • Convened meeting with Board Supervisor and GM of Truckee-Donner Recreation and Park District on recreation mitigation funds for directing investment to Donner Summit. 

        Plans for Q4 (October 2023 - December 2023) include:

        • Co-host ribbon cutting for Bear River Recreation and Park District;
        • Host quarterly meeting with Western Nevada County RPDs to review Master Plan inventory analysis, project recommendations and 2024 priority focus areas;
        • Review draft MOU for county administrative support;
        • Initiate gap loan request agreement with Western Gateway RPD to support project cashflow for reimbursable Per Capita grant;
        • Submit grant application to CA Natural Resource Agency's ("CNRA") Urban Greening Grant Program for the Penn Valley Parkway Beautification and Visitor Safety Project;
        • Attend community conversations for recreation planning in City of Grass Valley and City of Nevada City; and
        • Begin development of Nevada County Recreation Resource Guides for County Recreation website and Go Nevada County platforms.

        Highlights from Q3 (July 2023 – September 2023) include:

        • Submitted final grant application to Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District ("NSAQMD") for $100K for Rood Center recreation and wayfinding improvements plus county e-bike infrastructure project;
        • Supported preproposal grant submission for the Regional Climate Collaboratives ("RCC") program with climate/conservation partners for $1.749M; project would fund development of a county Climate Action Plan and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Dashboard, plus staff position for this work;
        • Convened forum, facilitated by Design Workshop and Sierra Business Council, with Blue Forest Conservation Finance, Quantified Ventures and key stakeholders in Donner Summit to discuss outdoor recreation economic impacts, natural infrastructure projects and the feasibility of a Headwaters Recreation & Resiliency Fund;
        • Hosted Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting on August 22nd at Donner Summit, with support from Donner Summit Association, USFS and South Yuba River Citizen's League ("SYRCL"), to highlight recreation and economic development opportunities and collaborative projects, e.g. Van Norden Meadow Restoration and Recreation Project; and
        • Hosted a Community Conservation in the Hirschdale Neighborhood on recreation access and improvements.

        Plans for Q4 (October 2023 - December 2023) include:

        • Attend final decision meeting for NSAQMD grant application on 10/23;
        • Attend Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition Annual Meeting with topics focused on federal funding accessibility, sustainable and accessible recreation, stewardship workforce development and wildfire resilience;
        • Convene meeting with CDFW, State representatives and District 5 Supervisor and Staff regarding Truckee River access, high water mark and possible solutions between various interests; and
        • Submit grant applications to CDFW, CNRA, RCC and the CA Parks Outdoor Equity program.

        Highlights from Q3 (July 2023 – September 2023) include:

        • Convened monthly meetings with Cohort and CCC collaboratives; 
        • Convened biannual Nevada County Recreation Coalition;
        • Participated in focus groups for Empire Mine State Park Interpretation Plan recommendations;
        • Continued focused grant strategy meetings for review of multi-benefit project opportunities; 
        • Developed Recreation and Resiliency Internship program and hired Skillbridge intern; and
        • Sr. Administrative Analyst served on panel "Local Stories of Leadership and Action" at the Nevada County Sustainability Summit and began attending 2023-2024 Nevada County Community Leadership Institute with focused intention on expanding collaboration opportunities with community stakeholders.

        Plans for Q4 (October 2023 - December 2023) include:

        • Host biannual Recreation Coalition summit;
        • Prepare for 2024 Board Workshop, with completion of 5 year funding recommendations and staffing plan for Recreation and Climate Resiliency Board objectives;
        • Discuss shared recreation and resiliency strategies with Nevada County Library;
        • Continue convening monthly collaboratives and grant strategy sessions; and
        • Support Climate Resilience and Economic Development objectives and shared priorities.
        • Hosted 2nd Annual Sustainability Summit on September 27th: Inspire. Connect. Act. - Local Work, Regional Partnerships, and Creative Funding and Financing Mechanisms.
        • Nevada County's Energy Action Plan (EAP) community workgroup convened monthly with County staff support, furthering initiatives including public education and pilot project planning to connect income-eligible residents with energy saving benefits. Additionally, worked with members of the EAP community workgroup to provide feedback on Pathway Document on strategies to advance the EAP.
        • Staff supporting Nevada City Rotary in developing sustainable models for the Plastic Bag Recycling program.
        • Partnering with Truckee Climate Transformation Alliance to develop priority projects.
        • Clean Air Day – Board of Supervisors declared October 4, 2023 as Clean Air Day in Nevada County
        • 26th Annual Yuba River Cleanup in Nevada County on September 23rd
        • County Kermit Team tabled the Heart of Gold Gravel Race Ride to promote the county’s Climate Resilience Objective.
        • participated in the KNCO County Spotlight with County Executive Officer, Supervisor Heidi  Hall, and Supervisor Hardy Bullock. 
        • Continue to convene Nevada County Energy Action Plan Community Workgroup.
        • Continue to work to support Nevada City Rotary's efforts in developing sustainable models for the Plastic Bag Recycling program.
        • Continue to participate in the Climate Transformation Alliance (CTA) 
        • Support the efforts of County Kermit Team. 

        County Staff have applied for various grants to help fund the development of a Nevada County Climate Resilience Plan that would incorporate both action and adaptation strategies. However, several grant efforts have been unsuccessful.  However, multiple planning efforts are underway including: 

        • County's Recreation and Resilience Plan 
        • Local Hazard Mitigation Plan 
        • Community Wildfire Protection Plan 
        • Nevada County evacuation Study 

        Align strategies in coordinated strategic plan. Additionally, conduct policy cross-walk analysis to identify opportunities of efficiency and to reduce duplication of efforts across the organization. 

        1. CCA: Pursuant to Board direction, staff presented research on California Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) programs, to the Board of Supervisors. Partnered with Pioneer Community Energy to complete an Impact Assessment Study to identify the overall energy needs of Nevada County constituents and the anticipated fiscal impacts to Pioneer Community Energy to expand service into unincorporated Nevada County.
        2. Nevada County Transit Services has begun the process of transitioning its medium and heavy-duty bus fleet to zero emission vehicles with the purchase of two 35ft low-floor battery electric transit buses and the related charging equipment. The completion of this initial implementation phase is expected to be done by March of 2025. The time lag from the receipt of the buses and completion of initial phase is due to the delay in being able to obtain the required electrical panel equipment, which currently has a production queue of 12-18 months.
        3. Awarded contract to Lordis Electric for Electric Bus Charging Project Nevada County Operations Center (NCOC) Phase-1
        4. Contracted with Momentum to develop the County’s Zero Emissions Bus Rollout Plan as required by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to comply with the Innovative Clean Transit (ICT) regulation requiring all California public transit agencies to gradually transition their bus fleets to zero emission technologies
        5. Note: Climate-aligned progress related to Broadband and Emergency Preparedness is not duplicated; please see those objectives.

        Continue to work with applicable departments and regional stakeholders  to identify and advance opportunities that protect and harden critical infrastructure. 

        • Natural and Working Lands group: developing project focused on measuring GHG emission reduction potential through the management of natural and working lands to reach carbon neutrality.
        • SB1383 – Workgroup developing strategies to comply with SB1383 and reduce methane emissions through Recycled Organic Waste Procurement targets. Zero Foodprint (ZFP) will provide compost procurement and shall meet or exceed Nevada County’s 2023 SB1383 procurement target of 910.5 ton of compost.
        • Provided partnership and Memorandum of Understanding to support Nevada County Resource Conservation District application to the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program.
        • Continue to support and work with SB 1383 Organic Waste Group 
        • Continue to participate in the Natural and Working Lands Group in the Climate Transformation Alliance (CTA). 
        • In partnership with Sierra Business Council, submitted grant application for up to $650,000 to the Regional Resilience Grant Program (RRGP) Program, administered by The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, through Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (ICARP) to be used for planning costs associated with convening a climate collaborative in Western Nevada County as well as development of the Nevada County Climate Action Plan.
        • Submitted grant proposal to Department of Energy Energy Efficiency Block Grant Program to support up to 80% AMI individuals/families with home weatherization, and also workforce capacity; invited for full proposal. Unfortunately, the grant was not selected for award.
        • Leverage Climate Resilience Charter and initial workplan to apply for grant funding to accelerate plan development.
        • Re-evaluate fiscal/resource strategy in light of unsuccessful grant submittals and provide recommendations to Ad Hoc Subcommittee.