On Target


Board of Supervisors 2022

Promote sustainable recreation in partnership with community providers and other jurisdictions to enhance recreational access, support public health and safety, realize economic opportunities, and preserve natural resource assets.

Progress Update


Throughout 2022, the newest Board objective made great strides through staff and partner collaboration to promote sustainable recreation, with Q4 (October - December) highlights for each initiative below:

1. Develop Nevada County Recreation and Resiliency Master Plan

  • Phase One kicked off by Staff and Design Workshop to inventory and assess and map existing recreation conditions and resources throughout Nevada County.
  • Stakeholder engagement began, with over 90 organizations participating in presentations, interviews, and focus groups to provide initial input.
  • A press release, enews blast, outreach and media interviews announced the planning effort and invited the public to sign up for notifications and opportunities to participate throughout 2023.

2. Promote health and safety at river crossings, lakes, trailheads, and other high-use or high-risk destinations

  • South Yuba River Public Safety (SYRPS) Cohort celebrated retiring members Chiefs Mathias and Turner, who received Board of Supervisors recognition for many contributions and years of service.
  • Outdoor Visitor Safety Fund grantees continued project implementation with Staff support.
  • Travel alerts page launched and will post weekly on new GoNevadaCounty.com site.

3. Enhance recreation access, health and safety, economic development, and resource conservation

  • The Nevada County Library expanded its new Recreation Collection to include winter sports equipment; ongoing efforts will reduce barriers to outdoor recreation participation with free access to activities, gear, and resources.
  • Pines to Mines Trail consultants continue to make progress on fieldwork and research necessary to complete the draft Environmental Analysis (EA), with no major concerns arising; the draft EA is now anticipated to be sent to USFS by February.

4. Support capacity and sustainability of Western Nevada County organized recreation

  • Quarterly meeting with Western Nevada County park district Board and staff members included Master Plan interview and focus group session by Design Workshop.
  • Community Resilience Grant agreement for $100K with Bear River Recreation and Park District initiated with BOS approval request to follow; funds support turf field replacement.

Progress Update


5. Identify funding mechanisms and act on advocacy priorities to sustain recreation

  • Advocacy of public land stewardship continued with public agency partners BLM, USFS, and CA State Parks of high-use recreation areas; review of Donner Summit proposed trails and trail candidates with Tahoe National Forest included project sites and recreation infrastructure in Castle Valley and Van Norden, in coordination with Donner Summit Association and SYRCL.
  • County Staff submitted a letter of interest for technical and project support to the Thriving Communities grant for enhancing transportation infrastructure and mobility access.
  • Sierra Gold Parks Foundation has committed $10K for the 2023 SYRPS Cohort Public Safety and Responsible Recreation campaign; funds will support design, content development and educational materials, to be coordinated by Nevada County staff.
  • First regional Nevada County Sustainability Summit hosted with agency directors, thought leaders and recreation partners focused on climate, conservation, and recreation.

6. Staff recreation collaborative(s) to promote countywide coordination

  • Work began with GIS analysts, IGS, and Nevada County Library team on feasibility of developing recreation guide.
  • Staff convened Biannual Recreation Coalition with over 40 stakeholders attending; Design Workshop conducted Master Plan focus group.
  • Staff convened monthly SYRPS Cohort meetings through November, and re-established marketing sub-committees.
  • Staff coordinated the Convene, Champion, Catalyze (CCC) collaborative of Eastern Nevada County and conducted Master Plan focus group with Design Workshop.
  • Staff attended Donner Summit Association (DSA) core action group meetings and reviewed final draft for Donner Summit Recreation Plan for county Master Plan inclusion.
  • A draft 2023 calendar and recreation goals have been developed for BOS consideration at the January workshop, expanding on year-one progress of the new Recreation Objective.

Next Steps


From January - March 2023, Staff will:

1. Complete Phase One of Recreation and Resiliency Master Plan project scope with Design Workshop 

  • First round of stakeholder interviews to be completed; Working Group to review initial draft findings.
  • Progress overview to be provided during Board of Supervisors Workshop.
  • Story map, community engagement plan, and first public survey to launch.

2. Plan and develop infrastructure and content projects; develop tracking tools and analyze effectiveness

  • Emergency call box to be installed at Bridgeport, with two locations still to be identified.
  • Second round of Outdoor Visitor Safety Fund (OVSF) grants will open for draft RFP review and call for proposals; first round grantees will continue implementation of waste mitigation, parking access, river corridor mile markers and trail development through 2024.
  • Content highlighting responsible recreation continues to be posted on Go Nevada County site and related social media channels.
  • Development of public safety campaign begins, with focus on responsible recreation and public safety.

3. Continue to convene partners and provide project implementation support

  • EA for Pines to Mines Trail anticipated completion with signed decision by the Tahoe National Forest Supervisor by Summer 2023
  • Edwards Satellite Parking Lot project will be submitted for BLM funding and consideration.
  • Path and partner(s) for permanent toilets at Purdon Crossing to be determined.

4. Develop administrative support documents and planning tools for Western Nevada County organized recreation partners

  • Quarterly Western Nevada County park district meeting takes place in February, with focus on MOU, master plan draft findings, administrator workplan and 2023 compliance.

5. Foster and cultivate relationships with grant funders; identify shovel ready projects

  • Projects currently under consideration for active transportation and community resilience programs funded by the State.
  • Design Workshop draft project matrix to be developed and reviewed with project team, including identification of funding sources.

6. Work with community partners to establish 2023 goals and priorities:

  • An internship position to be established in support of Recreation Coalition and initiatives.
  • Staff to continue development of recreation resource guide and materials.
  • Staff to convene monthly SYRPS Cohort and Marketing Sub-Committee meetings, CCC collaboratives and attend DSA core action group meetings.
  • Staff will present on Recreation Objective at January BOS workshop and begin developing budget for FY23-FY24.