
Collect Quarterly Cannabis Business Taxes

Cannabis Division


In November 2018, Nevada County Voters passed Measure G approving a commercial cannabis business tax. The Tax Collector office is responsible for collecting this tax on a quarterly basis.

Progress Update


In the past quarter, staff:

  • Collected a total of $36,628.17 for Quarter 1 for the 22-23 fiscal year.
  • Quarter 2 tax returns are due by January 31. To date, we have received $5,213.35.
  • Continued to see a decrease in revenue due to market conditions, which is reflected in the number of tax returns we receive that report $0.00 in Gross Receipts. To date, we have received 47 tax returns that reported $0 in Gross Receipts for Quarter 1.
  • Registered 65 businesses so far for the 22-23 fiscal year.
  • Continued to work with CDA to check the tax status of each business to ensure compliance before renewing permits. Many businesses have been routed to us before being issued permit renewals, which has helped us maintain and improve compliance.
  • Trued-up invoices for the 21-22 fiscal year went out in November totaling approximately $180,000.00. To date, we have collected a total of $52,781.67 in true-up payments.

Next Steps


In the next quarter, staff will:

  • Continue to work on ordinance changes in collaboration with Planning to ensure any changes made are captured in the tax revenue ordnance changes.
  • Send out annual true-up invoices at a 50% reduction to square footage in order to help reduce the number of businesses that will dissolve due to current market conditions. 


Cannabis Tax Revenue
Cannabis Tax Revenue

Quarterly Cannabis Taxes Collected

Combination chart with 3 data series.
Cannabis Tax Revenue (Chart Type: Area) Plot Bands Q4-20 Quarterly Collections: 92,673.27 Fiscal Year to Date Total: 162,843.34 Fiscal Year Expected Revenue: $ 300,000.00 Q1-21 Quarterly Collections: 92,442.86 Fiscal Year to Date Total: 255,286.20 Fiscal Year Expected Revenue: $ 300,000.00 Q2-21 Quarterly Collections: 101,238.70 Fiscal Year to Date Total: 356,524.90 Fiscal Year Expected Revenue: $ 300,000.00 Q3-21 Quarterly Collections: 78,189.17 Fiscal Year to Date Total: 78,189.17 Fiscal Year Expected Revenue: $ 600,000.00 Q4-21 Quarterly Collections: 65,025.23 Fiscal Year to Date Total: 143,214.40 Fiscal Year Expected Revenue: $ 600,000.00 Q1-22 Quarterly Collections: 57,390.83 Fiscal Year to Date Total: 200,605.23 Fiscal Year Expected Revenue: $ 600,000.00 Q2-22 Quarterly Collections: 61,027.18 Fiscal Year to Date Total: 261,632.41 Fiscal Year Expected Revenue: $ 600,000.00 Q3-22 Quarterly Collections: 36,628.17 Fiscal Year to Date Total: 36,628.17 Fiscal Year Expected Revenue: $ 475,000.00 Q4-22 Quarterly Collections: 5,213.35 Fiscal Year to Date Total: 41,841.52 Fiscal Year Expected Revenue: $ 475,000.00
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 750000.
End of interactive chart.


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Cannabis Regulations
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Cannabis Regulations
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