The City of Eden Prairie's Performance Measurement Dashboard is an interactive data visualization tool that tracks performance and progress toward six goal areas that encompass the Eden Prairie Promise.
City leaders and employees are accountable for executing the City's vision and mission for the benefit of our community.
We have a strategy for the way we approach our work. Our vision, mission and goals define how we work together as an organization to produce the best results possible for our community. When establishing goals, we ensure they are aligned with the vision and mission. To keep ourselves accountable, we track and measure our progress relative to the goals and measures established. When we meet our goals, in essence we meet the community's expectations of us.
That’s why we call it the Eden Prairie Promise, our promise to provide outstanding services to the community in the most efficient ways possible.
Eden Prairie is a vibrant City characterized by the thoughtful integration of natural beauty and physical development that creates a highly desirable place for its residents and businesses.
Eden Prairie City government will foster respect for the past, plan for the future, and deliver high quality public services that contribute to a strong sense of community.
To keep ourselves accountable, the City tracks performance measures in the six goal areas listed below. The information is updated as new measures become available.
Community Well-Being and Safety
High-Quality Efficient Services
Innovative and Sustainable Practices