Residential & commercial refuse & recycling collection

Goal 3: A Beautiful and Sustainable Natural and Built Environment

Through a combination of contracted and in-house collection, Public Works provides once (1) per week collection of residential areas, and seven (7) day per week collection of downtown/uptown commercial/residential areas. The total number of potential weekly stops is approximately 15,200, of which approximately 2,800 stops are related to the seven (7) day per week collection areas (400 potential stops per day).

Mixed recycling program
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ChartCreated with Highcharts 5.0.12Recycling Target (Tons)Tons Mixed RecyclingChart context menuFY 2012FY 2013FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018
Measure Data
Period Status Tons Waste (Later Sorted for Recyclables) Tons Mixed Recycling Recycling Target (% All Waste) Recycling Target (Tons)
FY 2012 Not Defined 6,873.50 3,587.10 35.00% 3,661.00
FY 2013 Not Defined 6,527.80 3,264.80 35.00% 3,427.00
FY 2014 Not Defined 6,694.70 3,254.50 35.00% 3,482.00
FY 2015 Not Defined 6,281.00 3,557.00 35.00% 3,443.00
FY 2016 Not Defined 6,385.00 3,612.60 35.00% 3,498.00
FY 2017 At or Above Plan 6,532.66 3,666.55 35.00% 3,569.00
FY 2018 At or Above Plan 6,577.00 3,865.00 35.00% 3,654.00