Incident based reports involving heroin

Goal 2. A Healthy and Safe City

The national increase in the fatal heroin abuse has been well-reported over the past few years. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services provides further information here: The Prescription Drug & Heroin Overdose Epidemic. Over the past five years, incident-based reports taken by the Police Department involving heroin are consistent with this national trend beginning in Q3 2014. The heroin involvement in this incident-based reports is inclusive of the manufacture, sale, use, and overdose of heroin. 

Even so, earlier in 2017 the University of Virginia published a study, Geographic Variation in Opioid and Heroin Involved Drug Poisoning Mortality Rates, illustrating that heroin-related fatalities remain under-reported due to discrepancies in death certificate reporting.


The opioid epidemic is still in full effect, but the first half of 2018 has seen a steep decline in heroin-related incidents compared to the third quarter of 2017. Contributing factors may increased public awareness of the epidemic, and a shrinking/terminal user population.

Incident based reports Involving heroin
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ChartCreated with Highcharts 5.0.12Chart context menuMar 2015Jun 2015Sept 2015Dec 2015Mar 2016Jun 2016Sep 2016Dec 2016Mar 2017Jun 2017Sep 2017Dec 2017Mar 2018Jun 2018