Residents who feel safe (NCS)

Goal 2. A Healthy and Safe City
Safety - % rating positively
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ChartCreated with Highcharts 5.0.12Overall feeling of safetySafe in neighborhoodSafe downtown/commercial areaChart context menu201220142016

The City of Charlottesville is one of many jurisdictions in the U.S. to participate in the National Citizen Survey (NCS) bi-annually. In 2016, questionnaires were mailed to a random sample of 1,800 Charlottesville households, asking for feedback on the quality and usefulness of city services. There were 368 completed surveys returned, and the full results are posted here.

Great communities are partnerships of the government, private sector, community-based organizations and residents, all geographically connected. The NCS captures residents’ opinions within the three pillars of a community (Community Characteristics, Governance and Participation) across eight central facets of community (Safety, Mobility, Natural Environment, Built Environment, Economy, Recreation and Wellness, Education and Enrichment and Community Engagement).


Safety is a top priority for residents

More than 8 in 10 survey respondents identified Safety as a top priority for the Charlottesville community in the coming two years. Ratings for Safety in Charlottesville were generally strong and similar to ratings in other communities nationwide. About 7 in 10 residents gave excellent or good ratings to the overall feeling of safety in the City, and about 9 in 10 gave high marks to the feeling of safety in their neighborhoods; however, ratings for the overall feeling of safety in Charlottesville declined from 2014 to 2016. Safety-related services, including police, fire, and animal control services, were rated positively by at least a majority of residents. It is noteworthy that ratings for crime prevention services increased from 2014 to 2016. Further, about 8 in 10 respondents were not the victim of a crime and had not reported a crime. When asked about the City priority areas, almost all residents
(95%) identified residents’ safety in Charlottesville as a high or moderate priority, and about 4 in 5 respondents indicated that the City had made significant or moderate progress toward meeting this priority area. 

*2012 data represents ratings of "very safe" or "somewhat safe" in your neighborhood during the day; ratings of "very safe" or "somewhat safe" in Charlottesville's downtown area during the day. The format of the survey changed in 2014 and 2016.