Support redevelopment activities that will produce more affordable housing

Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents

In an effort to improve the quality of life for residents, businesses and not-for-profits, the City Manager’s Office continues to explore and implement redevelopment activities that support more affordable housing as well as improvements to initiatives such as infrastructure, employment opportunities, public spaces and business development.

Why and What it Achieves

Redevelopment activities, efforts and resources focused on enhancing the quality of life serve many purposes.  By promoting access to more housing, employment and educational opportunities, without displacing current residents, choices and economic mobility are expanded.  Creating healthy and safe neighborhoods with great public parks and streets, enables an active lifestyle.  Supporting other private and non-profit community partners will help the development of affordable housing to meet the City’s affordable housing goals.  Implementing both physical and community development goals leads to a sustainable, equitable and beautiful neighborhood for all of its residents regardless of income level.


All redevelopment activities are progressing, with continued community engagement.

  • Number of supported affordable housing units created per year
    Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents
  • Continuum of housing options
    Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents
  • Housing support for improved economic mobility
    Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents
  • Supply and demand of housing
    Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents
  • Price and turnover of housing stock
    Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents
  • Inventory of rental housing
    Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents
  • Adopt a Form Based Code (FBC) for Phase 1 in the SIA – incorporate zoning and land use tools and incentives into the City zoning code to encourage private development of affordable housing
    Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents  |  1/1/17 - 9/30/18
  • Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (CRHA) redevelopment activities - providing a better quality of life and additional affordable housing units
    Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents  |  1/1/17 - 12/31/18
  • Piedmont Housing Alliance (Friendship Court) redevelopment activities – providing a better quality of life and additional affordable housing units
    Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents  |  1/1/17 - 12/31/18
  • Create a Land Bank Corporation – create a separate entity pursuant to state law that can acquire and purchase land and then convey that land according to criteria designed to accomplish prioritized redevelopment
    Goal 1: An Inclusive Community of Self-sufficient Residents  |  8/31/17 - 6/30/18